11/18/14 Planning Board Minutes
NOVEMBER 18, 2014
A regular meeting of the Egg Harbor City Planning Board was held on November 18, 2014 with Chairman Gerhard Mueller presiding. Other members in attendance were Mayor Lisa Jiampetti, City Official Keith Adams, Vice Chairman Richard Colby, Regular Member Miriam Mueller, Alternate #1 Jack Peterson, Solicitor Jim Schroeder, City Planner Tim Michel, Engineer Ryan McGowan and Secretary Donna Heffley. (Not present were City Council President Edward Dennis, Regular Member Dennis McKenna and Alternate #2 Gladys Torres).
Roll Call: Mayor Jiampetti yes, Mr. Dennis no, Mr. Adams yes, Mr. Colby yes, Mrs. Mueller yes, Mr. McKenna no, Mr. Peterson yes, Mrs. Torres no, Mr. Mueller yes, Mr. Schroeder yes, Mr. Michel yes, Mr. McGowan yes and Secretary Donna Heffley yes.
This meeting was advertised pursuant to the NJ Open Public Meetings Act N.J.S.A. 1:4-6 Seq. Notices were sent to official publications for the Planning Board; the Press of Atlantic City, the Egg Harbor News, the Atlantic Current and the Hammonton Gazette. A copy of the notice was posted on the bulletin board of the Egg Harbor City Municipal Building.
The Chairman directed the Secretary to enter this public announcement into the minutes.
Approval of Minutes: October 21, 2014
Upon motion made by Mr. Colby, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried the October 21, 2014 meeting minutes were approved.
Resolutions: none
New Business: A. Informal Review
Paul and Lauren Erbacher
This informal Review was postponed until a future date.
B. New Planning Board Application
#14-03 – Costa Marine Land Holding, LLC
700 Philadelphia Avenue
Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215
Block 312, Lot 1
Retail Commercial
Request for Waiver from Site Plan Review and Approval
Two Witnesses were present for this application, Chris Costa, owner of Costa Marine and Harry Harper, Architect, who were sworn in by Jim Schroeder. The current application is necessary to determine if Planning Board review of a site plan is appropriate and if a waiver of site plan review may be considered.
Mr. Darcy gave an overview of the building located at 700 Philadelphia Avenue which is currently partially occupied by Atlantic Care Ambulance Squad. Mr. Darcy described the proposed building improvements, parking, landscaping, trash enclosure area, and Fencing.
Mr. Schroeder excused Mayor Jiampetti from this portion of the meeting.
The proposed use for this building will be for fabrication and sewing of marine commercial product and retail sales. Pinelands issued a Certificate of Filing dated March 13, 1987 and the site is developed as originally approved. There are no significant changes proposed that would require a new Certificate of Filing.
Mr. Costa explained to the Board that this building will be an expansion of his current business Costa Marine which is located in the Egg Harbor City Industrial Park. Mr. Costa explained to the Board how the building will be utilized.
Mr. Darcy, Mr. Harper and Mr. Costa explained to the Board the improvements that would be made to the building and the site.
One concern of the Board is that the garage doors remain closed during operation as to not take away from the front appearance of the building. Mr. Costa assured the board that the doors will remain closed.
Mr. Costa is asking for an extension for some of the improvements to the outside of the building until the weather gets warmer. Mr. Harper, the Architect explained the improvements that will require warmer weather.
Sidewalks were also another issue of concern which was discussed due to some outside structure changes that may be made in the future. A contribution for sidewalks was discussed by the Applicant, Professionals and Board members.
Mr. Michel reviewed his report dated November 13, 2014. City Council decided to sell the ambulance building and design a redevelopment plan and designate the property as a rehabilitation area. The reason for this was to be able to select the redeveloper for the property in contrast to it going out to bid. If it went out to bid this would allow anyone to purchase the property and do whatever they want with the property which may not be in the City’s best interest. The result of this change brings the Applicant before the board tonight asking for approval under this redevelopment plan. This Redevelopment plan was adopted by City Council on February of 2014. Mr. Michel explained why a site plan waiver would be appropriate for the Applicant.
Ryan McGowan discussed parking, trash enclosure, loading and unloading. Mr. McGowan noted the lighting is sufficient in its current condition. Mr. McGowan asked about hours of operation to make sure lighting will be adequate. The prior use had adequate lighting.
The floor was opened to the Public.
Reverend Bryant from the Shiloh Baptist Church was present and expressed his concerns about the sale of the Ambulance building.
Mr. Mueller the Chairman explained to Reverend Bryant that the Planning Board does not have jurisdiction to discuss the sale of the building. This matter would have to be addressed with City Council. Planning Board authority is limited to site plan issues.
Edna Lee expressed her concerns about the sale of the Ambulance Building Site and how the site use to be labeled wetlands. She inquired about what Mr. Costa plans to do at the property.
Mr. Costa explained his intentions and that all work will be done inside the building.
Mr. Colby explained to Mrs. Lee about wet lands and how they change over time.
Mr. Rudolph Harris asked the Board how you distinguish the difference between residential and commercial property.
Mr. Michel addressed his question by noting on this particular case this property is designated for a retail commercial use. As far as Mr. Michel knows this property has not been designated for residential use at any time in the past since the building was built. This property was previously used as a governmental use in a residential or commercial area. Zoning changed for this property about five years ago when the commercial zone extended from the 500 block of Philadelphia Avenue to Duerer Street. Within the past year the City has designated this site as a Rehabilitation Area and prepared a Rehabilitation plan.
Mr. Colby explained in more detail zoning within the Egg Harbor City Area and noted there is a Master Plan for the City in place.
Chairman Mueller closed the public portion of the meeting.
Mr. Schroeder called a five minute recess.
The meeting reconvened.
Mr. Schroeder reviewed the waiver s that the Applicant is asking for which are as followed;
1. Site Plan waiver
2. Parking waiver from19 spots to 11 spots.
3. Loading space requirement waiver as detailed in Mr. Michel’s report.
4. Landscape design discussed by the Board. The Applicant would like to provide a landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by Mr. Michel.
5. Sidewalks, the Applicant would like to propose to make a contribution for the sidewalks at closing.
6. Trash enclosure would comply with fire resistant material and be in line with the siding in material as far as color and texture.
7. For a waiver of a more formal lighting plan.
8. As far as a time element to complete all items the Applicant is asking for 120 days from closing. Closing is anticipated for December that would bring them to a time when the weather would warm up.
Upon motion made by Mr. Adams, seconded by Mr. Peterson
Roll Call: Mr. Adams yes, Mrs. Mueller yes, Mr. Colby yes, Mr. Peterson yes, Mr. Mueller yes.
Old Business: none
Council Report: Mr. Adams and Mr. McGowan updated the Board on progress concerning water issues with the Water plant.
Mr. Schroeder announced a Community Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce November 25, 2014 to be held at Renault Winery. Reverent Sweeney who is the Chaplin for the Atlantic County Fire Fighters will be the speaker, Petrosh’ s Big Top is being honored for “Business Person of the Year.” Also honored will be the 200 Club of Cape May and Atlantic County that supports families of fallen Firefighters and Police as the “Organization of the Year.”
Adjournment: Upon motion made by Mr. Colby, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Heffley, Planning Board Secretary