Sustainable Jersey Egg Harbor City Certified A better Tomorrow, One Community at a time.

10/21/14 Planning Board Meeting Minutes

OCTOBER 21, 2014

A regular meeting of the Egg Harbor City Planning Board was held on October 21, 2014 with Chairman Gerhard Mueller presiding. Other members in attendance were Mayor Lisa Jiampetti, City Official Keith Adams, City Council President Edward Dennis, Vice Chairman Richard Colby, Regular Member Miriam Mueller, Dennis McKenna, Alternate #1 Jack Peterson, Alternate #2 Gladys Torres, Solicitor Jim Schroeder, City Planner Tim Michel, Engineer Ryan McGowan and Secretary Donna Heffley.

Roll Call: Mayor Jiampetti yes, Mr. Dennis yes, Mr. Adams yes, Mr. Colby yes, Mrs. Mueller yes, Mr. McKenna yes, Mr. Peterson yes, Mrs. Torres no, Mr. Mueller yes, Mr. Schroeder yes, Mr. Michel yes, Mr. McGowan yes and Secretary Donna Heffley yes.

This meeting was advertised pursuant to the NJ Open Public Meetings Act N.J.S.A. 1:4-6 Seq. Notices were sent to official publications for the Planning Board; the Press of Atlantic City, the Egg Harbor News, the Atlantic Current and the Hammonton Gazette. A copy of the notice was posted on the bulletin board of the Egg Harbor City Municipal Building.

The Chairman directed the Secretary to enter this public announcement into the minutes.

Approval of Minutes: Upon motion made by Mr. Colby, seconded by Mr. Peterson and carried the May 20, 2014 meeting minutes were approved.

Resolutions: None

Informal Reviews: Jerry Shockey
1355 Bremen Avenue
Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215
Mr. Shockey was sworn in by Solicitor Jim Schroeder. Mr. Shockey was inquiring about renting a parking space to someone who has a flatbed truck for a towing business and needs a business address to use. There was a lengthy discussion between the Board and the Applicant to inquire if this was for a one parking space or to merely obtain a mercantile license to operate a business.

Gladys Torres Alternate #2 arrived at 7:23p.m.

Informal Review: Michael Calogero
459 Philadelphia Avenue
Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215

Mr. Calogero was sworn in by Mr. Schroeder. Mr. Calogero and his family are interested in opening a sports training facility on Philadelphia Avenue in Egg Harbor City. Their goal is to open a Cross Fit Affiliate that offers all levels of fitness training as well as classes from all over the health and fitness spectrum. The Board Members and Professionals had a lengthy discussion concerning lighting, parking, ADA requirements, signage, painting, removal of debris and making repairs to the building. Mr. Calogero was referred to the Building Department and Code Enforcement to discuss bringing the building up to code and steps needed in order to open his business.

Old Business: none

Council Report – Mayor Jiampetti discussed the new name for the Rittenberg School Redevelopment Area which will be called Rittenberg Manor. This project is 100 apartment units for 62 and older. The project is moving along nicely.
The ambulance service contract has been extended for one year. After their year contract they will be moving to the South Egg Harbor Fire House.

Public comments: none

Adjournment: Upon motion made by Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Dennis and carried the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Heffley/ Planning Board Secretary