Sustainable Jersey Egg Harbor City Certified A better Tomorrow, One Community at a time.

10/1/13 Special Planning Board Meeting Minutes

OCTOBER 1, 2013

A Special Meeting of the Egg Harbor City Planning Board was held on October 1, 2013 with Vice Chairman Richard Colby presiding. Other members in attendance were City Official Keith Adams, Regular Members Miriam Mueller, Dennis McKenna, Alternate #1 Jack Peterson, Alternate #2 Gladys Torres, Solicitor James Schroeder, Esq., City Planner Tim Michel, Conflict Engineer Joseph Maffei, and City Clerk, Meg Steeb as Secretary. Members not in attendance were (Mayor Lisa Jiampetti, Council Member Edward Dennis, Chairman Gerhard Mueller and Secretary Donna Heffley).

Roll Call: Mayor Jiampetti no, Mr. Dennis no, Mr. Adams yes, Mr. Colby yes, Mrs. Mueller yes, Mr. McKenna yes, Mr. Peterson yes, Mrs. Torres yes, Mr. Mueller no, Mr. Schroeder yes, Mr. Michel yes, Mr. Maffei yes and Secretary Meg Steeb yes.

The Chairman called the meeting to order and made the following announcement.

This meeting was advertised pursuant to the NJ Open Public Meeting Act. N.J.S.A. 1:4-6seq. Notices were sent to official publications for the Planning Board; the Press of Atlantic City, the Egg Harbor News and the Atlantic Current. A copy of the notice was posted on the bulletin board of the Egg Harbor City Municipal Building.

The Chairman directed the Secretary to enter this public announcement into the minutes.

Mr. Colby announced due to a conflict of interest with respects to the application that will be heard tonight the following members are not present; Mayor Lisa Jiampetti, Council Member Edward Dennis, Chairman Gerhard Mueller and City Engineer Remington and Vernick.

New Business: 13-04PB
Cedar Creek Partners, LLC
Section 2 – Egg Harbor North
Block 187, Lots 1.01- 1.08; 16.01-16.08
Block 222, Lots 1.01 – 1.08; Lot 16 (basin)
Revise grading to preserve trees & Construct a temporary retention basin

This application was postponed last month due to inadequate noticing.
Jack Placard attorney for Cedar Creek Partners, LLC thanked the Board for holding this special meeting and explained the error made in the noticing last month and how it was corrected. Mr. Placard explained the change the Applicant is proposing in the grading which will save more of the existing vegetation, trees and improve the storm water. Second the Applicant would like to put in a temporary basin on London Avenue.

Richard Clemson, Professional Engineer with James Sassano Associates, Inc. and Dan Rich, Soil expert were sworn in by Mr. Schroeder, as was the applicant, Brad Haber. Mr. Clemson listed his qualifications. Mr. Clemson reviewed the plan that is being proposed and noted the changes that will improve the original plan and the environmental benefits.

Mr. Michel reviewed his report dated September 11, 2013 which was distributed to the Planning Board Members, to the Applicant and their Professionals. Mr. Michel noted the temporary basin being proposed will be constructed in an area planned for eventual clear cutting and thus saving trees. Mr. Michel discussed the form of guarantee that will need to be in place to provide restoration of the right of way which will be recorded in the resolution.

Mr. Maffei reviewed his report dated September 25, 2013 and noted the Applicant has agreed to comply with the comments in his report. Mr. Maffei also noted that the use of temporary stormwater basins during large construction projects is a common and acceptable practice.

Board Members and Professionals discussed the drainage basins.
Mr. Maffei explained the operation of the drainage basins and the purpose of the temporary basins.

Mr. Colby asked if there were any comments from the public.

Donald Geiger was sworn in who resides at 1710 Philadelphia Avenue in Egg Harbor City. Mr. Geiger was very happy to hear that Cedar Creek Partners want to prevent more clear cutting. Mr. Geiger expressed his concern that, in the past, storm water had run off-site onto Philadelphia Avenue. Mr. Haber addressed his concerns.

Lynn Roesch, who lives at 1955 Liverpool Ave, was sworn in by Mr. Schroeder. Mrs. Roesch wanted the Planning Board to know that the Plan drawn up by Remington and Vernick had an error on it. The area that says section 2 A where there is a large open square area between London and Liverpool Avenue and bordered by Campe and Keppler Street this is her home not a drainage basin and wanted to make sure it was corrected.
Mr. Maffei addressed Mrs. Roesch concerns.

A motion to an amendment to the approved subdivision plan for section 1B of the Egg Harbor North Redevelopment area to permit the construction of a temporary storm water basin incorporates the Engineers report dated September 25, 2013 and City Planners report September 11, 2013 and the documents presented by the Applicant.
Upon motion made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mrs. Mueller
Roll Call: Mr. Colby yes, Mr. Adams yes, Mr. McKenna yes, Mrs. Mueller yes, Mr. Peterson yes, Mrs. Torres yes.

Adjournment: Upon motion made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mrs. Torres and carried the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Heffley/Planning Board Secretary