Sustainable Jersey Egg Harbor City Certified A better Tomorrow, One Community at a time.

10/23/12 Zoning Board Minutes



OCTOBER 23, 2012



The regular meeting of the Egg Harbor City Zoning Board of Adjustment was held on October 23, 2012 at 7:00pm with Chairman Robert Guerrieri presiding.  Members in attendance were Vice Chairman Todd Warker, Regular Member Kristin DeClementi, Faye Goble, Dennis McKenna and Secretary Donna Heffley.  (Not present were Regular Member Frank Fetterolf, Donald Milne, Alternate #1 George Mauroff, Alternate #2 John Garth, Solicitor Richard Carlucci, City Planner Timothy Michel, and City Engineer Edward Walberg. 

Roll Call:  Mr. Fetterolf no, Mr. Milne no, Mrs. Goble yes, Mr. McKenna yes, Mr. Warker yes, Mr. Guerrieri yes, Mr. Mauroff no, Mr. Garth no, Mr. Carlucci no, Mr. Michel no, Mr. Walberg no and Secretary Donna Heffley yes.

Chairman Robert Guerrieri called the meeting to order and made the following announcement: 

In compliance with the “Open Meeting Act” of the State of New Jersey, adequate notice of this meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the City of Egg Harbor was provided in the following manner:

  1. Advance written notice was posted on the Bulletin Board in Egg Harbor                        City’s Municipal Complex.
  2. Advance written notice was mailed to the Egg Harbor News, Hammonton, NJ the Atlantic City Press in Pleasantville, NJ and the Atlantic Current.


Chairman Guerrieri stated:  “I Direct the Secretary to enter this public announcement into the minutes.”

Approval of Minutes:  September 25, 2012

Upon motion made by Mrs. DeClementi, seconded by Mrs. Goble the September 25, 2012 minutes were approved.

Approval of Resolutions:  

                                            Resolution #2 of 2012

                                            Keith Mullineaux, Sr.

                                            For a Certificate of Non-Conformity

Upon motion made by Mr. McKenna, seconded by Mrs. Goble

Roll Call:  Mrs. DeClementi yes, Mrs. Goble yes, Mr. McKenna yes, Mr. Warker yes, Mr. Guerrieri yes.

                                            Resolution #3 of 2012

                                            Daniel Brown and the Atlantic City Rescue Mission

                                            The Lease Agreement Pursuant to Settlement of Litigation

Upon motion made by Mrs. DeClementi, seconded by Mr. McKenna

Roll Call:  Mrs. DeClementi yes, Mrs. Goble yes, Mr. McKenna yes, Mr. Warker yes, Mr. Guerrieri yes.

New Business:  none

Old Business:  none

Public Comments:  none

Adjournment:  Upon motion made by Mrs. DeClementi, seconded by Mr. McKenna and carried the October 23, 2012 meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Donna Heffley/Zoning Board Secretary